Feud Rewind

EP.8 - Bryan vs Orton - “YES! YES! YES!“

April 16, 2024 Feud Rewind Episode 8
EP.8 - Bryan vs Orton - “YES! YES! YES!“
Feud Rewind
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Feud Rewind
EP.8 - Bryan vs Orton - “YES! YES! YES!“
Apr 16, 2024 Episode 8
Feud Rewind

April 6th, 2014. Wrestlemania 30 is roaring out of the Mercedez-Benz Superdome in New Orleans. The fans have witnessed Daniel Bryan, one the most atypical WWE Superstars on the roster at the moment, win the opening match on the card to be added to the main event for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Bryan has been battling Batista and reigning champion Randy Orton for over 20 mins with the full and overwhelming support of the WWE Universe. 

How did we get here?

Yes! Yes! Yes!, we gotta roll this back with a rewind

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Show Notes Transcript

April 6th, 2014. Wrestlemania 30 is roaring out of the Mercedez-Benz Superdome in New Orleans. The fans have witnessed Daniel Bryan, one the most atypical WWE Superstars on the roster at the moment, win the opening match on the card to be added to the main event for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Bryan has been battling Batista and reigning champion Randy Orton for over 20 mins with the full and overwhelming support of the WWE Universe. 

How did we get here?

Yes! Yes! Yes!, we gotta roll this back with a rewind

Make sure to follow us on all social media platforms @feudrewind
Email: feudrewind@gmail.com
Thank you!


[00:00:00] Hey, this is Ben with Feud Rewind, with a quick word from our first unofficial sponsor. Water. You need some. I need some. We all need some. We're made of it. Guess what? It comes in a bunch of different varieties. Hot, cold, frozen. You can get it flavored, you can get it plain. With bubbles, no bubbles, out of your tap, out of a bottle, out of a box.

The possibilities are endless. Regardless, you need some before we get started, go get a glass. I'm going to get one too. We'll meet back here and start the show. Thank you so much. Water.

April 6, 2014. WrestleMania 30 is roaring out of the Mercedes Benz Superdome in New Orleans. The fans have witnessed Daniel Bryan, one of the most atypical [00:01:00] WWE superstars on the roster at the moment, win the opening match on the card to be added to the main event for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Ryan has been battling Batista and reigning champion Randy Orton for over 20 minutes with the full and overwhelming support of the WWE universe. How did we get here? Yes.

We gotta roll this back with a rewind.

2013 was a mixed bag of a year for the WWE. There were several top stars on the roster. Some that had been around for quite a while, and some that were on the rise, threatening to break through perceived glass ceilings.[00:02:00] 

Daniel Bryan, at this point, had already achieved a status that his, by WWE's standards, diminutive stature shouldn't have. As one of the founding fathers of Ring of Honor, Bryan has long been regarded as one of the most gifted technical wrestlers in the business, and of all time. His 5'10 frame, highlighted at times with long hair and a fairly viking esque beard, would normally convey a performer with maybe a lucha focused background in WWE.

Instead, Bryan's skill set was mostly based on the shoot and chain wrestling backgrounds of his two primary trainers and influences early in his career, Shawn Michaels and William Riegel. The style was heavily based on in ring psychology as opposed to high spots and character work. Instead, the American Dragon was portrayed as quote the ultimate professional wrestler, a [00:03:00] moniker that he would fulfill dutifully throughout his story career.

By this point in his WWE career. He has been a world heavyweight champion, albeit having to lose it to Sheamus at WrestleMania 28 in 18 seconds, clearly showcasing how management felt about Bryan's believability and legitimacy as a main event talent. He would go on to form Team Hell No with Kane and enjoy a lengthy WWE tag title reign that would last 245 days.

Following the loss, Brian would become obsessed about proving to management, the fans, and possibly himself that he was not the weak link in his previous tag team. He would be paired with an unlikely partner in his pursuit of a common enemy in the shield. Randy Orton. Randy Orton is a third generation wrestler, and his story has been well told.

He came up through WWE e's developmental [00:04:00] system via OVW to become the youngest wrestler ever to win the WE World Heavyweight Championship at the age of 24. He's been known as the Legend Killer, the Apex Predator, and the Viper. He's six five, absolutely jacked and cut. and looks every bit of the main event performer that he is.

He's homegrown and systematically modified to elicit the response that management wants. Simply put, he's literally the antithesis of Dean O'Brien. Now, Brian and Orton unsuccessfully challenge the Shield for the tag titles at Payback. The following night on Raw, Brian and Orton face off in a no DQ match against each other.

During this match, Brian does suffer a legitimate stinger, causing referee stoppage. These two would have a few rematches over the next few weeks, ending in a street fight match, where Brian would force Orton to tap out to the yes lock with a kendo stick applied to [00:05:00] the move. Big things should have been in store for Brian, having overcome a short feud with Orton to prove his detractors wrong.

Money in the Bank takes place on July 14th, 2013 at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia. Brian enters into the titular event, Enduring long enough to be one of the last two contestants. Curse Axel, a non participant in the match, and a very, very bit player in our story, interferes, causing Brian to lose the match, and for Ray Noren to hoist the briefcase high above his head.

This feud is far from over. The following night on Raw, WWE World Champion John Cena cuts a promo and selecting Daniel Bryan as his opponent much to the chagrin of Vince McMahon. Vince's son in law and the COO of the company, Triple H, however, was very much in vocal [00:06:00] support of Bryan. Brian would go on to have a gauntlet match, wherein he plows through Jack Swagger and Cesaro.

A right back powerbomb through a table caused a technical victory via DQ. Brian would face Kane the following week, emerging victorious over his former tag partner. Post match, Kane would viciously beat Bryan down. This would become an ongoing trope for our undersized hero throughout this story. Bryan, the enduring underdog that he is, does punch his ticket to SummerSlam, which takes place August 18th, 2013 from the Staples Center.

For my money, this is the pay per view of the year for the WWE. The main event is Cena vs. Bryan for the championship. This instant classic goes damn near 27 minutes and features Triple H fulfilling the role as [00:07:00] an impartial guest referee. Brian, in the end, is going to defeat Cena via pinfall in front of a roaring crowd.

The celebration comes to an abrupt end, however, as Triple H goes from triumphantly holding Brian's hand in the air to delivering a pedigree to Brian. Allowing Randy Orton to run down to the ring to successfully cash in his Money in the Bank contract. Ending Brian's reign mere seconds into it. The next few weeks see the new faction of the Authority, consisting of Brian, Triple H, and Stephanie McMahon Helmsley.

Hammering home that Orton is the new face of the WWE E with his lineage and look and charisma playing key aspects in this decision, part of the very fabric of the WWE. But I need to manage your expectations, Daniel. And [00:08:00] these people don't understand business either. I mean, not everyone can be the face of the company.

Brian meanwhile. is labeled as a B plus player, cementing in Brian's mind and the fans that our plucky little hero is good, but just not good enough. You're like, what, five foot eight? Maybe 200 pounds? And well, we can't all be supermodels. Okay, but you know, the WWE universe, they clearly love you. And, and, hey, I mean, you have a place here.

Daniel, you might not be an A. But you are a B plus. B

plus. There are also multiple attacks from Orton, the Shield, and Triple H himself, [00:09:00] with Triple H threatening termination to anyone who disobeys the COO. The next month, at Night of Champions, Ryan and Orton are going to This would be the last WWE pay per view at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit before the arena's decommissioned in 2017.

And the crowd that filled the hollow halls of the Red Wings former home was treated to a main event in which Bryan was once again victorious after an 18 minute affair. Triple H, flexing his corporate muscle, I did what I did to ensure the future of WWE. Daniel Bryan is not the man we want. He is not the face of the [00:10:00] WWE.

It seems that no matter the praise from his critics and peers, no matter the amount of the thunderous yes chants that filled the arenas, Daniel Bryan, due to his size and look, was always fighting an uphill battle. Incidentally, The Battleground pay per view, which would take place October 6th at the First Niagara Center in Buffalo, is where the status of the vacated title would be decided.

Brian and Orton go head to head for the better part of 25 minutes, only to have the Big Show interfere, knocking out both men. It should be noticed that elsewhere on the card, was facing similar fates of severe overbooking. Once again, Brian and Orton would face off for the vacated title at Hell in a Cell in Miami.

The October 27th pay per view at the American Airlines Arena features Brian and Orton. [00:11:00] Facing off once again, now with special guest referee Shawn Michaels. Shenanigans inevitably ensue, with Shonza's BFF Triple H interfering in the match. Brian hits Triple H with the running knee, and Michaels hits Brian with the sweet chin music in retaliation.

Orton pins Brian, and becomes world champion once again. The authority, standing in as the personification of unfair societal norms that keep, quote, unconventional people subverted via glass ceilings, reigns supreme at the top of the WWE, while Daniel Bryan would quickly fall into a dark place.

Bryan would confront Michaels on the following night's Raw. Only to be attacked by the Wyatt family, who became infatuated with the pint sized leader of the Yes movement. Finding the unlikeliest of allies in CM Punk, Brian would go on [00:12:00] to face Harper and Owens from the Wyatts at Survivor Series, where Brian and Punk would be victorious.

Although the Wyatts family's pursuit of Brian would continue post pay per view. Elsewhere on the roster, Orton and the Authority would start a short feud with Big Show, with Orton defeating Show in a title match. After Survivor Series. Orton would be confronted by long time rival John Cena, a feud that we'll have to cover in a future episode, with Cena stating that there should only be one champion, suggesting a unification.

Both the Wyatt's pursuit of indoctrinating Bryan, and Orton and Cena circling each other, Comes to a head at the TLC Pay-per-view, taking place on December 15th, 2013 from the Toyota Center in Houston. Brian would face off in a three on one handicap match against the Wyatts, where he obviously loses [00:13:00] Cena.

Holding the heavyweight title Orton, holding the WWE Title, take it to near 25 minutes with Orin walking out. With both titles and a newfound sense of narcissism. The year 2013 ends with Brian once again going through a gauntlet style match with the Wyatts. Ultimately losing at the odds are just too much.

Finally giving up and realizing that maybe everybody is just right. Brian joins the Wyatt family, silencing the Yes Chance. It would seem the year 2014 would start off on a slightly more different note for the Wyatts, particularly for Bray, as him and Brian would tag together on the January 13th edition of Raw.

They would face off in a valiant, yet losing effort against the Usos in a steel cage match. [00:14:00] Post match, while getting berated by Bray, Bryan reveals that underneath his coveralls is his Yes shirt, turning on the Wyatts and firmly cementing himself as the leader of the Yes movement and as one of the top babyfaces in the company.

This does cause one to scratch their heads at the next decision, however. At January 26th Royal Rumble, Brian is going to not only lose to Bray Wyatt in a 20 minute match, but he will not be an entrant in the Royal Rumble itself. Most, if not all, of the 16, 000 in attendance at Pittsburgh's Consol Energy Center rained down yes chants not only during the Orton and Cena rematch, in which Randy retains, but also during the Rumble, where Batista would win to cash his ticket to the main event of WrestleMania [00:15:00] 30.

Corporate Kane, crony of the Authority, starts to interfere with Bryan's business, most notably interfering in February 23rd's Elimination Chamber. Bryan, alongside John Cena, Sheamus, Cesaro, and Christian, finally face off against Orton. Bryan is once again one of the final contestants. Kane interferes on Orton's behalf, Allowing Orin to retain in front of a chorus of boos.

March 10th would bring us a scene on Ra that was surreal and otherworldly. Daniel Bryan is in the ring, demanding time. An entire crowd of fellow Yes Movement enthusiasts crowd into the ring. An irate Triple H agrees to make the main event of WrestleMania a triple threat, with one stipulation. Bryan must face off against Triple H to open the show.

And whoever wins the match will be inserted into the triple threat [00:16:00] main event against Batista and Randy Orton. For one reason only, it proves that when I step in this ring, there is nobody better than Daniel Bryan! This brings us to the 30th edition of the Showcase of the Immortals. Wrestlemania 30, taking place on April 6, 2014.

It is a day that will live in infamy, as Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak would come to an end at the hands of Brock Lesnar. Before this, however, the Superdome in New Orleans is treated to an opening match featuring Triple H and his now famous King of Kings entrance with the throne. Yes, the same throne that Cody Rhodes would smash years later.

Brian comes down to a well deserved eruption of applause, and 26 minutes later, Brian's hand would be raised in victory over Triple H. Post match, Triple H lays an old school beatdown on Brian, focusing on the relationship between Brian's [00:17:00] arm, the ring post, and a steel chair. The shadows of doubt were cast far and wide, as the main event looms later in the night.

Orton, Bautista, and a heavily taped, heavily injured, and now somewhat apprehensive Brian have a little bit of a time bringing the crowd back into this match after the aforementioned breaking of Undertaker's streak. Where this match does pick up, however, is where the shenanigans come back into play. It is a triple threat, so by default there is no DQ and no rules.

The Authority would come out to interfere, throwing out the referee and replacing him with the Authority's stooge ref, Scar Armstrong, if you remember him from before. Considering the stipulation, Triple H is gonna get in his shots as well, and Brian E is a combination Batista bomb inverted RKO through the Spanish announce table.

Everybody, but [00:18:00] especially Brian, really sells this injury, and the paramedics come out to stretcher him out. The point of the Yes movement is about overcoming adversity By embodying the fighting spirit that many Japanese wrestlers embody. This spirit flows through Brian via his love of said Japanese wrestling.

As he's being carted off on a stretcher, his neck wrapped, he refuses medical attention and turns the tables on the authority. The sledgehammer, a suicide dive that involves everybody, including Stephanie. The entire kitchen sink of fun is thrown into the back half of this match. And Brian ultimately is able to overcome his own insecurities as well as everyone's distractions by making Batista tap out to the yes line.

Now Batista, looking for the Batista ball to put Randy Orton [00:19:00] away. And with the championship, there's the Batista ball. As a shocked, disappointed.

Orton laments over a title that arguably shouldn't have been his to begin with. The entire point of Daniel Bryan's run was being a great technical wrestler in a very throwback type of fashion that got over with the crowd primarily due to his size. The payoff to this with facing off not only against one oversized [00:20:00] opponent, let alone two, is really what seals the deal.

With this match. Unfortunately, after this, we do see Brian's reign and career hit multiple speed bumps due to health issues, mostly surrounding concussions. Orton, meanwhile, would continue on to feud with the Shield and John Cena. For the better part of a year, what we witnessed was two top level competitors facing off in the main event five times.

Brian always raising and setting a new bar for technical prowess. Overcoming perceived size issues, injuries. Constant interference and tomfoolery. To constantly have your hand raised, only for it to quickly be put back down. The perfect combination of mixed looks, styles, and personas, fueled by an organic connection with a crowd that's impossible to [00:21:00] manufacture, propelled both of these performers to an S tier legend status that cemented the Both of them as future Hall of Famers.

And with that, that's the Feud Rewind for the week. I'm your host, Benzelance. I appreciate you listening. I hope you have a fantastic rest of your week. And I will check you next time on the Feud Rewind.